Blog: General

20 Things You Didn’t Know About Cats

Cats are often mysterious and misunderstood creatures. Here are some little known facts about them!

child opening box with puppy inside

Why You Should Never Give a Pet as a Gift

Many kids and adults alike ask for pets for Christmas, birthdays, or other holidays. Puppies and kittens are frequently at the top of people’s Christmas lists. While the idea of an adorable animal under the tree can be appealing, there are many reasons why pets shouldn’t be given as gifts.

Pawliday Festivities!

“On the twelfth day of Christmas my patients gave me 12 chocolate-loving labs, 11 chewed light strings, 10 missing dinner plates, 9 chewed on fruit cakes, 8 straining cats, 7 open pill vials, 6 diarrhea dogs, 5 foreign bodies, 4 drunk boxers, 3 scared goldens, 2 tinsel cats and a...

Saying Goodbye

Holidays are a busy time for families, with parties and gatherings. We often make a point to get together with friends and family that we don’t see as much throughout the year, and many of us have many happy memories of this season.